News / parenthood

Why does my toddler talk back?

Your Little One Started the Back-Talk Phase

Are you struggling with a fussy/ tantrum throwing toddler? Are you at a whits end with your patience and need confirmation that you are not alone? Well, I am telling you- you are not alone! Many parents struggle with the toddler backtalk phase that is filled with sass and sporadic emotions. Your child needs your support and the more you educate and understand what they are going through the better your relationship will be with your kiddo!
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Best self care for mom?

Do you need Mommy Self-Care?

Are you exhausted and going until the wheels fall off? I for one had to learn this the hard way, taking time for yourself after having babies is a must! If you’re in the same boat I was, this wasn’t an easy transition. I was convinced the best thing for my baby was for me to be there every second. Then I quickly learned this wasn’t the case.
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How to deal with tantrums?

Essential Tips To Deal With Your Child's Temper Tantrums

As parents, we want to raise our children to be happy and well adjusted human beings. When it comes to temper tantrums, it can be hard to deal with, and sometimes even the best of us can lose our temper and feel defeated.
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The benefits of child safety locks

10 Child Safety Issues Every Parent Should Know

Every day children get hurt, and knowing what to look for can prevent serious injury. Here are some of the most common safety issues that every parent should know.
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Best foods for my baby

10 Power Foods Your Baby Should Eat

Some purees can be added to your baby’s diet as early as six months if your baby is ready for them. At one year of age, solid food should be replacing most of the milk in their diet. Ask your pediatrician if you are not sure which foods are best for your baby.
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How to help your child be smart!

Want To Boost Your Child’s Intellect?

Most parents want to raise a child that is intelligent, bright, social, and cognitively healthy. The problem is that all children learn at their own pace and as parents and educators all we can do is be there to facilitate, guide, encourage, and promote good learning habits. 

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Tips for traveling with a child

Important Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep When Traveling

You’re planning a family trip! Whether you are going on a little road trip to see family or flying across the country, there is no need to stress out over your child’s sleep and let it take the fun out of your vacation. 
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Comfort objects and reducing separation anxiety

A Lovey Beyond Babyhood

The benefits of having a lovey for your baby will give them the security and comfort necessary to develop skills needed for later development.
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Help your child get to sleep

Does Your Baby Need Help Getting To Sleep?

A baby requires sleep, lots of it, during the beginning stages of development. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that babies get 12 to 15 hours of sleep every day. There are many reasons a baby might not be sleeping and many are out of your control, like a very common sleep regression or a loud noise outside. One of the things you have control over with your little bundle of joy is their sense of security and sleeping environment.
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What age should I start reading to my baby?

When Should You Start Reading To Your Child?

Parents should start reading to their children as soon as they are born. Holding your baby and reading helps a child learn language and assists with the parent/child bonding experience. The habit of reading supports building a routine before bedtime; when bedtime is fun, your child may have less anxiety when it comes to bedtime.
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Reduce separation anxiety for your child

Does Your Child Experience Separation Anxiety?

Many parents have to make the painful decision to put their children in daycare even as young as six months old. A change in the environment and surroundings may cause a child to develop separation anxiety and other psychological complications.  
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